Project Description


ProntoBags is the complete operator assistance system for the safe replacement, collection and transport of urine and dialysis bags. The device is a particular trolley that can collect up to 20 full bags whose lifting surface lowers when loaded and rises as it is unloaded. This allows you to have said plan always at hand. Particularly appreciated is the welder that allows in 5 seconds to weld the drainage tube so that no drops of urine are dispersed. Particularly suitable is its use in combination with the Clean Bags machines as the Operator collects the full bags in the various departments, deposits them in Pronto Bags and then goes to the machine and will find the right height to start the cycle of all the bags. transported.

ProntoBags is protected by Italian patent N ° 202021000000359

CODE: 4300300
DIMENSIONS: cm 45x45x70
WEIGHT: 25,00 Kg
RDM: 1773650
CND: V0899